All posts filed under: This Time Last Year

This Time Last Year: Snowflakes In My Nostrils

Stupid title, whatever. Things People From The Tropics Might Want To Know About Winter Dressing up is a ceremony of layers that takes forever. Undies, the first thermal, the top, the vest, the michelin man jacket, a scarf, and gloves. Don’t forget the bottoms! A layer of thermals, pants (after which you’ll feel like a sausage), socks, and boots. When it’s about 18F or lower, whatever is in your nose will freeze and unfreeze immediately outside. It’ll feel like you’ve got flakes in your nostrils. People still walk their dogs. Dogs are dressed up with booties (or else salt cuts their paws). The full winter regalia would include a sweater, hat… stroller, and human accessory. Walk slow. Those pretty Frye boots (with smooth bottoms) are a death wish when walking on hard ice. You’re better off wearing yaktracks on your normal shoes, wearing Docs (my preference, or walking around in golf shoes (hi dad!). This will seem like one of the best ideas. Ever. You will gain weight because your body will naturally want to …