

My name is Barby. I’m an interior-designer-turned-barista-turned-grocery-girl.

I began How We Are Hungry as a way of documenting my life. However, I’ve never gotten into the habit of writing unless big changes happened, such as when I moved from Manila to New York, and from New York to Chicago. It started out as a food, design, and travel blog, and a space to rant. Eventually, it evolved to contain more thoughts on God, life transitions and lessons, books, movies, and other things I want to remember.

Today, I’ve figured out that I love food, but don’t need to write about it. I enjoy travel, and had my fair share of cities and neighborhoods, but I’m not always compelled to write about those experiences. (although there’s an itch to create itineraries for loved ones, and to remember my haunts) I’m figuring out what shape this blog is going to take. I do know that God, muddling through life, and the joys and struggles in the discovery of what it means to live, will be recurring themes. To improve in writing, and to someday create something, is something I will challenge myself to do (as of May 23rd, 2016). We’ll see where this goes.

Random things: I love hiking, experiencing the beauty of nature, exploring cities on foot, grilled meat, and tasting and touching produce (such as when you’re in a market). I’m consistent in: applying sunblock and moisturizer daily, being a hard worker, poking furry things, self-deprecating humor, and introverted recharge time. I’m a fan of psychology and understanding human behavior, The Office, being strong and eating healthy, vegetables, denim shirts, black and white and the grays in between, and good lighting. My favorite color is green.

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