Month: November 2013

Coming Home To Japan Part 1 of 2

You’re terrible, Barby. The content below was written last June, and now, it’s November. There’s some humor in the title referring to Japan having elements of home, when right now, I’m not even in my hometown of Manila, where I lived all my life, until now. And I’ve been away. Where am I? You’ll find out soon (in case you don’t already know). A warning (on top of the warning below): Because some details are hard to remember, I might end up just posting pictures from the other parts of the trip I haven’t written about last June. We’ll call it a photo commentary. I’d highlight bits and pieces of the trip, except that Japan is ridiculously amazing, everything deserves to be highlighted! Parts of Osaka and Kyoto, the two cities we went to, may get jumbled up a bit, but more or less they’re in their proper batches. This is such a long post, you’ll want to scratch your eyes out mid-way. My story-telling skills are overwhelmed by the mass of events in this …